
Customer Journey Mapping – The what, why and how! With Graham Hill of Insight6

How easy are you making it for your customers to do business with you, and has COVID-19 made this harder?

About this Event: Has your business had to make changes in light of COVID-19?

If so, how much consideration have you given to the impact those changes have on your customers? Often, when businesses change, they consider the impact on the team, but often the impact on customer experience is forgotten.

This session by Graham Hill of insight6 will teach a simple ‘Customer Journey Mapping’ tool that you can go back and use straight away in your business, to help identify what you are doing that your customers love, but also where you could be doing more to drive loyalty, create more raving fans and power out of lockdown.

Areas covered: You will reflect on the importance of emotion in your customer journey and think about how you are making your customers feel by walking in their shoes

You will learn a simple ‘Customer Journey Mapping’ tool that you can use straight away to reflect on the experience you are delivering and identify opportunities to improve

You will learn a simple way to improve customer loyalty and ultimately increase profits.

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