Fourth Born


Fourth Born is a marketing consultancy that offers practical, problem-solving, no-nonsense advice and support.

Putting the fun back into business with achievable and actionable marketing and communication strategies for owners and directors of SME businesses.

Giving business owners confidence through practical advice and support as they tackle everyday issues within their business and agile problem solving to support the changes and development needed to grow.

Its starts with strategic planning that is manageable and fit for purpose.



B4’s Business Development Ecosystem trebles in size in a year

June’s BDM Ecosystem marked an amazing trebling in size of our increasingly popular Business Development Ecosystem which has been driven from 7 B4 Members around one snooker table to 24 around 3 tables. It’s all thanks to the wonderful Caroline OConnor of Fourth Born who has expertly shared her knowledge and passion for all things business development with the B4 community, many of whom have been around Caroline’s table from that very first ecosystem back in March 2023.